The Second International Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition (IBSCE 2017)
opens its doors in Shanghai on Thursday, 20 April 2017
Shanghai, 13 April 2017 - The Second International Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition (IBSCE 2017) opens its doors in Shanghai, China, on Thursday, 20 April 2017.
This is the second in a series of conferences designed to bring together from around the world scientists and industry representatives implementing bioenergy technologies as part of the expansion of renewable fuels, energy and bioproducts. The conference programme has in part been based on the successful format used for the European Biomass Conference that takes place annually in Europe.
The conference involves close interactions between the pure science, innovation and industrial exploitation of the results of research, with the overall target of achieving economic and environmental sustainability in the developing low-carbon economy. The conference programme addresses topics from biogas and bio-natural gas processes and technologies to biofuels and biomaterials systems, from the development of new sustainable strategies for organic waste and residues conversion to the integration of more efficient technologies.
By 2050, it is estimated that the Earth’s population will top 9 billion. This growing population will undeniably stress our food systems, natural resources, and ecosystems and the world regions are all presenting their own different development strategies accordingly. The whole food industry sector, including vegetables and meat production sector, food processing industries, citizens’ food consumption, is responsible for the generation of an impressive amount of organic solid and liquid waste, of which more than half is wasted.
According to estimations, Europe, China and USA produce alone more than 400 million tons of organic waste, spending around 300 billion $ for this material disposal and transportation infrastructures.
How do we secure a sufficient supply of energy for the future? How can we handle and treat our waste – and in particular the biowaste – so that more is recycled?
How can we develop technologies where we can use biomaterials in new areas, not least those that today are based on oil?
How scientific innovations can be efficiently exploited?
What are the needs of the cutting edge industries leading the way with scaling up of technologies?
In which ways different renewable sectors can integrate to provide optimum sustainable solutions for replacing fossil Energy?
These are just some of the questions that will be addressed during IBSCE by global investors decision makers from research, finance and politics.
Thursday Conference Opening will feature six presentations focusing on the latest scientific results and developments as well as commercial trends and applications of bioenergy in China and Europe.
Chaired by David Baxter, Conference Chairman, UK and formerly of the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, the Opening will start at 9.00 with the Welcome Message and Introduction by Ke-Jun Dou, Senior Biomass Advisor - China National Renewable Energy Centre, Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission, on the “Present Situation and Development Trend of Bioenergy in China”.
Following the Welcome Message, the Opening will continue with a keynote speech by Giuliano Grassi, Secretary General, European Biomass Industry Association, Belgium, on “Bioenergy Activity of Major Actual Commercial Interest” and will be followed by a presentation by Liang Wang, Researcher, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, on “Biocarbon Production for Metallurgical Industry Applications”.
Solange Mussatto, Head of Research Group, Technical University of Denmark, will introduce the “Recent Advances in Biomass Conversion Technologies and Biorefinery Opportunities” and Pin-Jing He, Head, Institute of Waste Treatment & Reclamation, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Head, Research and Training Center on Rural Waste Management, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of P.R. China, will talk about the “Status and Challenges for the Treatment of Food Waste in China”.
The Opening will conclude with the presentation “Overview on Biogas Development in Europe” by David Baxter.
IBSCE Exhibition will open on the 19th April and will be co-located with SNEC Power Expo 2017 at Shanghai Int’l Expo Center, Hall N3.
For further information: http://www.ibsce.com, pressoffice@ibsce.com
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