Why Join? Organic waste valorisation is a global topic, and a problem to be solved in China, Europe, as well as United States and Middle East countries
Business Opportunity: The Chinese National Energy Administration recently announced plans to reach biomass energy equivalent of 58 million of tonnes by 2020
A five-year plan (2016-2020) to save energy and cut emissions has been recently issued by the Chinese National Energy Administration setting a goal to cut energy consumption by 15 percent in 2020 compared with 2015.
"Coal will be used more efficiently, and recyclable energy sources will be encouraged. The plan’s goal is that in 2020, the use of coal will account for less than 58 percent of total energy consumption.
Energy saving in key sectors will be promoted, including manufacturing, construction, transportation, trading, agriculture and public institutions.
The plan also urges cutting emissions of major pollutants from manufacturing industries, mobile sources, people’s daily life and agriculture.
[...]Circular economy will be promoted, with waste generated by industry, agriculture and urban residents being recycled. The government will support resource recycling companies and encourage them to use internet technologies."
Source: Chinese National Energy Administration
IBSCE highlights a rapidly growing Chinese Bioenergy Community
IBSCE is designed to provide an international platform to present and discuss the latest scientific results, as well as to offer networking opportunities for biomass industry professionals and public policy stakeholders.
The conference programme will cover a range of topics:
Topic 1 – Assessment and production of biomass resources;
Topic 2 – Systems and technologies for biomass power and heat;
Topic 3 – Processes and technologies for biogas and bio-natural gas (biomethane);
Topic 4 – Processes and systems for biofuels and biomaterials;
Topic 5 – Tools and initiatives for bioenergy.
This means the conference will necessarily involve close interactions between the pure science, innovation and industrial exploitation of the results of research, with the overall target of achieving economic and environmental sustainability in the developing low-carbon economy.
The conference programme covers the main topics, focusing on the wide spectrum of biomass technology ranging from fundamental materials research to business and policy assessments.
Early Bird Registration Deadline
Benefit from the attractive Early Bird Discounts until 23rd March 2017
See the list of presenting companies and organisations
Book your stand: Join the 2nd IBSCE 2017 organised by EUBCE and SNEIA and start promoting your company
The IBSCE Exhibition will be co-located with SNEC PV Power Expo 2017, the biggest international PV tradeshow.
The perfect opportunity to show your company and products and extend your business relationships to professionals operating at the top end of the renewable energies sector.
More information on www.ibsce.com
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